Friday, March 19, 2021

OPINION: Top Five News Sources

 Ordered from least to most favored news source.

News Source #5

Fox News

I included Fox News as a top news source because it is an information-packed mass media platform. Aside from the constant flow of national news information, Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, hosts a daily show analyzing topics mentioned throughout the day. Carlson's show starts at 8:00pm and is a good source of republican viewpoints and discussion with guests. I try my best to take in mass media information while recognizing biases. I consider the majority of mass media information as soft news, that I later further research the topics that spark my interest. Fox News supports republican elected officials and ideologies. I believe it is important to view news from a variety of viewpoints. I typically use Fox News as a source to get an overview of the republican public opinion on current events. 

News Source #4

Tim Cast

I enjoy listening to people with differing opinions and those that are based on hard facts. This is why I love Tim Pool's podcast, TimCast. Pool's podcast has grown to become a forum for factual and uncommon political analysis. Pool associates himself with the social-liberal political party offering a minority viewpoint that differs from many views of the two-party system. Pool talks openly about current affairs while using his media background to provide context to issues. I recommend listening to this source with an open mind and ready to embrace talk about law. This news source analyzes current events through moral and ethical thought, precedented Supreme Court Cases, and consideration of Constitutional law.

News Source #3

The Daily Wire

The Daily Wire is hosted by Ben Shapiro. I enjoy Shapiro's commentary as he uses hard facts and rationale to discuss current political topics. The show takes a conservative approach to current events while calling out corruption and mistakes, from all sides of the political spectrum. Shapiro is both entertaining and knowledgeable. The show helps me to think critically and to expand my knowledge of the Constitution and of the United States government in regard to current events. This news source takes unconventional routes by offering opinions and claims that differ from those favored by the audience. Shapiro doesn't seem to aim to please all viewers, rather he shares factual information and analysis, regardless of the direction of political leaning. 

News Source #2

Wall Street Journal

I typically turn to the Wall Street Journal as my source of nationwide news. As all news sources do, this platform has a bias. Although having a bias, it is a much more moderate source in regard to other mainstream media sources based in the United States. The journal offers valuable economic, political, and business insight. This source appeals to me because it has a high level of sophistication displayed through the content shared, the design of the online journal, and the sources of information. The outlet is mostly exclusive to subscribers, which I prefer, as it helps reduce the influence from external organizations.

News Source #1

BBC World News 

The BBC World News differs from most American news sources. This outlet provides information on international news, regarding politics, economy, entertainment, and other categories. The outlet has its own podcast summarizing global news each day. I enjoy listening to the 30-minute podcast to gain perspective on the world. As Americans, we often get caught up in solely U.S. news, I believe it is important to understand topics occurring across the globe. This news source is very important to my daily news intake due to the variety of cultured information shared.

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