Wednesday, April 14, 2021

I am born on February 4, 2004.

I begin to connect the world. 

I become addictive.

I store customers' information.

I decide to sell that information.

I share information... both true and false.

I allow groups to organize all across the globe.

Some groups become violent. 

People are dying.

Governments are getting overthrown.

I become worth billions of dollars.

Now... I control you. 

Who am I?


(fill in the blank)

If you guessed Facebook... you were right. 

"Thefacebook," was created on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg and his colleagues. The original site was developed in order to connect the students of Harvard. Then the team began to grow the site by extending access to other universities, schools, and soon after, to the rest of the world. Communication around the world changed, forever. 

Families, friends, and even strangers could share their lives with one another, just through the click of a button. Zuckerberg had the intent to create a platform where there was a constant flow of information and the ability to create discussion. The platform grew very quickly and expanded from a one-room office to a global enterprise within a record low time. With this free flow of information and connection, there were both positive and negative outcomes.

Facebook's Positive Outcomes

The positives of open communication are quite obvious. Individuals have access to opposing information, access to increased business opportunities, and the ability to have a voice. Each user becomes a journalist. Whether you share family pictures, political opinions, global news, or life updates, you are a journalist. 

Facebook's Challenges

The platform created a way for people around the world to communicate and share information. In the beginning, people were not held to the responsibility of sharing factual information. Fake accounts were created which established a new platform for bullying, blackmailing, and spreading misinformation around the world. Users are allowed to create groups and organize parties and gatherings. Some users have taken advantage of this ability to organize riots that have allowed for the incitement of violence.

Facebook is operating in many countries all over the world. Each country has different laws regarding social media and public forums. It is difficult and potentially impossible for Facebook to comply with each country's regulations.

Traditional media companies are held to the assertion that they must distribute only accurate information. As Facebook shares news, political opinions, etc., the platform is not held responsible for the content flowing through the platform. This is a large modern debate that I do not have a solution for. 

There are several problems with Facebook as a publisher and platform.

  • The large spread of misinformation
  • The impact of content moderation on the marketplace of ideas
  • The impact of censorship on shaping public opinion
  • A false perception of public opinion impacting democracy
  • The lack of freedoms on a "public forum" platform
  • Algorithm interference on civil liberties 

While there are areas of improvement and modification, I want to discuss one of the topics mentioned... Facebook as a public forum.

Facebook as a Public Forum

The topic of Facebook as a public forum is widely debated. Facebook was created to connect the world. The company's motto is to, "Give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected." The public forum doctrine originally made clear that all government-owned public property, is subject to public forum regulation. This regulation allows individuals to have the highest form of First Amendment protection. 

The argument here is that arguably, Facebook has turned into a public forum. Presidents share information on Facebook, senators share information on Facebook, mayors share information on Facebook, police departments share information on Facebook. 

If a user was banned from Facebook, they would not have access to information from government officials. Users would also not have the ability to voice their opinions and share information as they would in a truly public forum. A public forum allows for individuals to speak their minds, speak out against the government, and engage in discussion. 

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